About the Tralee Fenit Greenway
The Tralee Fenit Greenway is a railbed conversion of the Fenit branch line which runs for 14km from the heart of Tralee, the county capital of Kerry to the scenic coastal village and port of Fenit.
The Fenit branch railway was opened in 1887 and was closed for regular passenger traffic in 1935 but remained in use for goods traffic as well as excursions and summer specials until 1978.
A 3km section of the route within the Tralee urban area has recently been converted to a greenway and has proven to be an immediate success, the line is in the ownership of Kerry County Council as is the North Kerry railway.
The completion of the remainder of the route would provide utility, tourist and recreational cyclists as well as pedestrians, runners and hikers with a dedicated off road path from the county’s main public transport interchange to the county’s main outdoor recreational activity hub. In addition to this the route provides a direct link between the county’s largest urban area, it’s suburbs and it’s two main commuter villages, as well as
the surrounding hinterland via quiet rural byroads.
The route has the potential not only to underpin the tourism and recreation products in the area, but also to provide a safe, quick and direct cycle route to the town of Tralee for commuter cyclists, who are presently forced to use the hazardous R558 regional road, the proposed route’s length, location and quality would be on a par with Denmarks innovative ‘Cycle Super Highways’ developments.
Who is behind this site ?
Friends of the Tralee to Fenit Greenway is a umbrella community initiative which seeks to promote the completion of the Walkway and Bicycle Path, on the disused rail line which runs from Casement Station, in the heart of Tralee, to Fenit Harbour, on the edge of the Atlantic.
Formed in 2009, the group has continuously lobbied for the developed of the Greenway and has co-ordinated petitions, a media campaign and held numerous support walks.
I think there’s more at play here than safety concerns, does ‘adverse possession’ (squatting) feature in anyone’s public discussion of opposition to the project?
I’m in full support of the idea.
I think this is a fantastic idea which will allow the safe riding of bicyles for families and is a great incentive for tourism. This is a lovely route which has layed idle for too long. I think it will add a lot to the area if advertised well and kept in good condition.
You may include my name.
Trevor Cooney- Tralee
What a great idea, a safe way to cycle walk or jog to Fenit. And to think the funding is there, it would be terrible to lose this funding. Hopefully the KCC have resolved the worries of those living along the tracks. So for those who do not wish to swim on Christmas – it is great fun just to watch the swimmers and then retire to Mike’s and Grainne’s place for some Christmas goodies.
Bring it on………………..Nora Keogan
I wish to support the Tralee to Fenit cycleway.
Best of luck,
Billy Caball.
Did anyone hear the objector on Radio Kerry this morning? He actually suggested that the visit to the West Limerick line would have no value unless it was done after dark to see what anti-social behaviour was occuring! He also implied that users of Tralee/Fenit would spend the trip peering into adjoining properties, and he was quite insulting to the people of Fenit generally. He could see no benefits in the project. What a great pity.
i would like to see what you would say if it was as close to your house as these people with complaints.what happens at night when the lights are out and the people with nothing to do are out
It’s great to see the idea finally making progress!
I just posted a short article and some current pics of the track in my blog at http://blog.tralee.org/2009/10/15/the-tralee-fenit-cycleway-will-become-a-reality to activate as many people as possible for the meeting. Lets make the track a reality!
Here is what http://www.radiokerry.ie/news says at the minute:
15 Oct 2009
Opposer of Tralee/Fenit walkway plan claims it will impact on privacy of locals
A Fenit man who is opposed to the Tralee to Fenit walkway/cycleway claims it will impact on the privacy of locals. The twelve and a half kilometre route being proposed by Kerry County Council will stretch from Rock Street in Tralee to Fenit Village. A public meeting on the project will take place on Thursday October 22nd in the Ballyroe Heights Hotel and a free bus tour to view a similar walkway in Newcastlewest is happening this weekend.
Kerry County Council says it has received significant support for the plan which will address the privacy and security concerns of all landowners. However, Fenit resident John Williams claims many locals are concerned about the walkway/cycleway.
A cycle-walkers path enhances the livability and social health of a community and between communities.
From a standpoint of physical health, it is an excellent form of physical activity with significant health benefits (but these health benefits are undermined if cyclists and walkers, in order to get from point A to point B, must use the main traffic roads (accidents, congestion and pollution). The cumulative effect on a community of having available cycle paths is invaluable from this respect.
A cycle-walkers path is an alternative to motorized transport and, therefore, offers an excellent method of reducing transport-related greenhouse gas emissions. We may feel that we can make no big contribution as individuals to the global warming problems. This is not true, each individual is capable of making a change, and the cycle path offers a substantial contribution by a community of individuals towards reducing global emissions. It allows individuals, literally, an avenue for making their contributions. It is not simply just a pathway but a means and the power to change how we choose to navigate through the world.
A cycle-walk path is an economically efficient activity, it lowers transport costs and reduces fuel expenditure.
A policy of ‘not in my backyard’ undermines the social viability of a community but also the quality of life of the individuals in that community. It is not a toxic waste dump or, god forbid, a McDonalds that the KCC is proposing. It is a cycle-walkers path, it is a symbolic, social, and physical means of community interconnectedness. Opposition to a cycle-walkers path is no less illogical than opposition to a playground for fear that it would attract loiterers and troublemakers.
Safety and solidarity exist not in isolation but in community, and what sort of community or group of communities would we be without a park. A park like a cycle-walkers path is a place for the community and for communities, it is an essential architecture of a community.
I am in full support of this idea. It would be fantastic for the area.
I’ve been enjoying following your blog on this issue. I have been visiting Kerry (Castlegregory) since my childhood and last summer, (as a parent now myself) was disappointed with the lack of access to traffic free routes for the safety of my children. This is a wonderful resource to have on your doorstep, and I speak from experience living beside the Newry Canal Towpath.
I would love to add my support to the proposal, its a wonderful idea. I come home to tralee each summer and I often go for a spin on my bike out to Fenit as I did as a child. A safer route would be a great asset to the area.
Ciarán Collins
The Tralee to Fenit line cycle/walk way proposed is for the greater good of Tralee town, Kerry and Ireland as a whole. Tralee should lead the way with regard to using the resources it has allready in place. I would recommend to those who currently fail to see it’s value that they try a holiday in Devon or Cornwall to see how the old railway lines provide a walkers and cyclists paradise, and a safe, family friendly escape from the main roads.
I fully support the idea and it would be wonderful.You may include me on your list and thankyou,Sally Ryle
I think this is a great idea that can only add to the assets of the area. Please do include my name.
Good to see that something is being done with this amenity, and about time too. There is a lovely example of one here in Cork City following the old docklands to passage route i regularly use,
However good this will be for Tralee and Fenit , its true potential will not be realised untill the route from Tralee is joined with the existing route through Tubrid ,Abbeydorney, lixnaw etc connecting with Abbeyfeale.
That would be a great achievement for tourism in the southwest.
Please do include my name
i think this is a fantastic project and will be passed by Tralee UDC @ their September meeting
This will be a valuable asset to the Tralee area, not only for tourists but also the local population.